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Previous Year's Digital Work and Examples
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Luke J - Year 10 Film
Zoya M - Silenced, Found Footage
Troy W - Love Story, Documentary
Troy W - Round For Tea, Documentary
Troy W - Train Crash, Documentary
Archie B - Politics Film with Found Footage
Kaya - Animation
Sebi's Footage
Rizwan Alvi - 'Forward'
Nina - Dance
Tara - Barcelona
Joe - Growth
Troy's Films
Describe your image
Kyla Rancapero - Lockdown
Amelia's Pollution Video
Francheska Madriaga - Animation
Daniel Baig - Time
Finn's Editing
Describe your image
Sara's Photography
Describe your image
Emma Wheeler - A Day
Bolu Animated
Harriet Giles - Nature
Will - Drawing on Video
Dan - Digital Painting
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